Coming this Fall: MOODLE 4.1

Coming this Fall: MOODLE 4.1

by Jennifer Spohrer -
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Before the start of the fall 2023 term, LITS needs to upgrade Moodle from its current version (3.11.11) to version 4.1.

 Please be aware that: 

  • Moodle will be down on August 14, 2023 while we perform the final part of this upgrade. We have worked with departments hosting summer programs and orientations to determine the least disruptive date for this necessary outage.  
  • What is changing? 
    • Most changes to Moodle 4.1 are interface changes designed to make the site easier to use or incorporate add-on features (such as the collapsible topics course format) into the core software. We will post additional details in the coming months and provide advance demos and faculty and staff support options in August-September to make the transition as smooth as possible.
    • We will be decommissioning Moodle Archive ( on August 14 as part of the upgrade.
      • Faculty and staff will lose direct access Moodle Archive on that date.
      • However, LITS will save backup copies of fall 2017-summer 2020 academic courses housed there and instructors can continue using the request course copy service to have content from these courses copied into new Moodle courses.
      • Faculty and staff can also create personal back-up copies of Moodle Archive courses to store on a hard drive, network drive or in cloud storage (e.g., OneDrive) before August 14. (See Moodle: Back up a course.) 
  • What is NOT changing? 
    • The Moodle URL ( will not change.
    • All content that is on Moodle on Aug 13including fall 2020-fall 2023 academic courses -- will still be there on August 15. We will not need to manually move courses from an old site to a new one as we have done for past major upgrades.

We hope that this new upgrade process will be much less disruptive to the community, even though it requires a significant outage.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the Help Desk (, 610-526-7440) or schedule a meeting with a member of the Moodle support team

Thank you!
Jennifer Spohrer
Director of Educational and Scholarly Technology
Bryn Mawr College LITS